Article on Strengthening HPV Vaccination Coverage with Project PERCH Published on HPVWorld

An informative article on the HPVWorld website titled “Strengthening HPV Vaccination Coverage, Data Quality, and Communication in Europe with project PERCH” was just published. The article discusses key efforts to fight cervical cancer in Europe through stronger vaccination strategies and improved data quality.

The article outlines PERCH’s objectives, including reaching at least 90% HPV vaccine coverage among adolescents, establishing a common European data collection system, providing national toolboxes for raising awareness, and fostering multi-stakeholder engagement.

Additionally, it highlights the establishment of a Governmental Advisory Board (GAB) to ensure the sustainability of PERCH’s efforts and the collaboration with other projects in the field of vaccination to maximize impact.

This publication is an important milestone in the dissemination of crucial information and strategies aimed at strengthening HPV vaccination coverage and combating cervical cancer in Europe. It will be disseminated among HPW subscribers in an upcoming newsletter during this trimester, reaching a broad audience of stakeholders, policymakers, healthcare professionals, educators, and community leaders.

We encourage you to read the full article on the HPW website and share it within your networks to contribute to the collective efforts towards cervical cancer prevention and elimination in Europe.

Read the full article here: Strengthening HPV Vaccination Coverage, Data Quality, and Communication in Europe with project PERCH

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